πŸ’—Audio Tape Recording on Coach of Marie, Jay & Donny πŸ‘« Day 5 “THE OSMONDS FAN CLUB WONDERTOUR TO USA 1977 “

I was recently having a loft clear-out weekend & I came across something VERY EXCITING ! Who remembers cassette tapes ?!! I have found original recording of Donny, Marie & Jay talking on our coach back in 1977 on Wondertour after watching D&M Show ! It’s sooo exciting ! πŸ˜‰πŸ†’


Have borrowed a tape machine to play the cassette, hope it plays OK, let’s see! Brilliant, sounds good !






And here we are 47 years later, oh dear! and many hours of transferring cassette recording to computer, editing it & putting onto SoundCloud & finally onto blog! Anyway mentioned it to Donny on Reddit Q&A last week & this was his reply:-


Haha Donny ! Some fans will be wondering what’s a tape cassette & an 8-track !! Hehe ! xx Marie ‘favorited’ on twitter too, thanks Marie xx


Have a listen, it’s a fun recording ! X https://soundcloud.com/tina-louise-mckenzie/wondertour-recording/s-rJGI0

Goodnight Everybody ! πŸ’• xx @donnyosmond @marieosmond @tinamckenzie donny.com marieosmond.com

4 thoughts on “πŸ’—Audio Tape Recording on Coach of Marie, Jay & Donny πŸ‘« Day 5 “THE OSMONDS FAN CLUB WONDERTOUR TO USA 1977 “

  1. What wonderful memories you have shared. I also was lucky enough to go that same year and see a taping of the Donny and Marie show. I met Jay, he was kind enough to take a picture with me and a autograph, it was for my Birthday so it reads “Happy Birthday Ruth, Love Jay Osmond. It did not end there, as we were waiting Alan came up to me and my friend and handed me a piece of Donny’s purple sock! They had to cut the toes out and Alan said “here is a gift from Donny”. He gave a big smile and he also signed an autograph for me. They even let me sit in the front row as they recorded Little bit Country, Little bit rock n roll..Then I saw Donny after the taping and he walked up to me and handed me a yellow paper that read “To Ruthie, Love always Donny & Marie”. They both signed it and had it ready so that when I was walking out he surprised me with it. I was speechless, over joyed, and more in love with him then I ever thought I could be.I have it stored safely away. I never liked anyone calling me Ruthie but from then on I loved it. I felt at the time so special that he signed it Ruthie!. Thank you for sharing your memory, it took me back to my special Day all those years ago. Sincerely Ruthena Hodges

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh Ruth what a brilliant time you had that day & on your birthday, loved reading all about it, the family have always been so thoughtful to us their fans, guess thats a good reason we adore them 🎢🎡🎼x Glad you enjoyed reading my memories, I hope there’s more to come one day ! You should share your story & blog it for everyone to read….they’d love it. Thanks for being in touch Ruth, regards Tina xπŸ˜‰


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