Meeting Nathan & Sarah Osmond in London UK – August 6th 2015

I read my twitter page on the morning of August 6th & read Nathan’s tweet, he was in the UK and visiting London TODAY ! Well that was worth a trip to London, so suggested to my daughter Abbie if she fancied a shopping trip, oh and to include a meet with Nathan & Sarah X That was a yes to the shopping & come along to Westminster Abbey to keep me company and meet them. After the shops made our way to the Abbey and sat and waited & then they arrived having a Tour Guide show them around, good idea. But having travelled early that morning attending the ‘Hearing Fund UK Gala’ in Leeds, they were tired with all the Tour walking ! Abbie & I had a lovely time with Nathan & Sarah, a lovely couple. We talked for a long time and had photos taken, all very exciting.




Same to you Nathan πŸ‘

Thank you Nathan & Sarah for making this fan very happy, hope to meet again soon…. X
@nathanosmond @tinamckenzie

1 thought on “Meeting Nathan & Sarah Osmond in London UK – August 6th 2015

  1. I am full of admiration at how you have kept up your following of this family over the years – I am much more fickle and have changed allegiances over the years but just shows how loyal fans can get so much pleasure out of having such a passion for something. Wonder which meeting will come next?


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